Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Joe Biden: H-1B Foreign Workers 'Built this Country'

Joe Biden told NBC News that he would immediately lift President Donald Trump's June 22 moratorium on the inflow of H-1B contract workers if he wins the 2020 election.

The H-1B program keeps roughly 600,000 foreign H-1B workers in U.S. white-collar jobs, including many who are doing on-the-job training so they can bring those jobs back to India.

The gig-worker H-1B workforce works alongside the resident population of illegal professionals, and the growing population of roughly 500,000 foreign workers who get work permits via college-approved Curricular Practical Training and the Optional Practical Training programs.

Many U.S. executives prefer foreign workers because they work compliantly for longer hours and lower wages in the hope of eventually getting green cards from their employers.

Many of the foreign workers also pay kickbacks to the immigrant managers who are quietly allowed to hire them, Indian workers tell Breitbart News.

The fundamental problem of U.S. and foreign outsourcing firms' hiring practices is the exclusion of U.S. workers-whether native or immigrant, citizen or permanent resident-which is made possible by specially crafted legislation for this purpose; it is legislation that serves as a congressionally-provided subsidy to a highly profitable industry to hire guest workers at the expense of jobs for U.S. workers.

If Biden is elected, said Jenks, "He would reverse the whole thing I have no doubt the people he would put into will be more than happy to rewrite the regulation to bring in as many foreign workers as possible."

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