Sunday, June 28, 2020

Future of Western Civilization Is in Peril. It's Time for Courage, Leadership.

The war on history has spread across our country and has even spilled over to other parts of the Western world.

We have reached a point-due to the radical transformation of our schools and the rise of the new Left-where our elite institutions are no longer willing or able to defend the very ideas and people that made possible their existence.

In an address at Bristol University in 1938, the British prime minister-to-be warned that civilization itself was under attack, that it would be tested, and that it would survive only if free people drew on their strength and courage to defend it.

Will we, like generations before us, answer the call to defend our way of life? Will it be the generation that grew up at the "End of history"-after the Nazi menace was crushed by the arsenal of democracy, the USSR's evil empire collapsed, and free people stood triumphant-that will cast our hard-won victories aside in an effort to purge our imperfect past?

In an era of mob rule-where the very basis of American and Western civilization is being questioned and attacked from within, and when rising superpowers like communist China that stand in opposition to everything we represent are on the march-it is essential that free people resist the impulses leading to our self-immolation.

Still, imagine what things were like for Lincoln sitting in the White House in 1861 as government of the people, by the people, and for the people appeared to be on the precipice of perishing from the earth.

The times were grim, but leadership and statesmanship in the face of nearly insurmountable challenges held civilization together, allowed free people to rally, gather their strength, and stem the tide of ruin, bringing forth what Churchill called the "Bright sunlit uplands" in the era that followed.

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