Thursday, June 25, 2020

Obama administration used 'racist' pun 'kung flu' in multiple official campaigns

  1. The War Room account also linked to a Fox News report on not only that image; from the Tennessee Valley Healthcare System's official website in 2015 but a kung flu image from the Jonathan M.
  2. This is what China';s trying to do and what President Trump is saying, No, China, I will label this virus for its place of origin, Ms.
  3. Numerous reporters most recently CBS reporter Weijia Jiang at a Monday White House press briefing have flatly called the term racist while demanding to know why Mr.
  4. Kung Flu  Knock it out before it knocks YOU out! declares the flyer, accompanied by a gi-clad monkey and a virus apparently dazed from the beating the monkey put on him.
  5. The purportedly-racist pun kung flu was used in official campaigns by government agencies under President Barack Obama.
  6. The president doesn't use racist terms, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany replied to Ms.

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