Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Democrats Exposed as the Racists They've Always Been

A black vote of 20 percent, and quite possibly 30 percent for President Trump, will teach the Democrats that even their most cherished "Value"-abortion-is not enough to keep the black population loyal to their historically empty promises and innate.

Since the 1960s, the welfare system rewarded single black mothers with lifetime financial support which resulted in every generation for the last 60 years with fatherless homes-in short, the destruction of the black family.

Just mention the name Eva Moskowitz to any leftist and you will be assaulted with vile language and the deep hatred Democrats feel toward the woman who runs upward of 25 Charter Schools in New York City, schools attended by children from black ghettos who pass the Regents with flying colors, score high marks on the SATs, graduate from high school and go on to top-flight colleges.

The women? Most Planned Parenthood facilities are located in minority neighborhoods on purpose! In fact, 25 percent of abortions performed each year are on black women.

On December 10, 1939, in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble of the Eugenics Society-in the context of discussing the Negro Project, which she developed in concert with white birth-control reformers-Sanger wrote: "We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population" The Planned Parenthood Federation of America aborted 345,672 babies during the 2018 fiscal year, which equals approximately 86,500 dead black babies.

The cost is in the multibillions of dollars, which could and should have been spent on better schools, jobs and living conditions for black citizens, but never is and never was.

As I said, good comes out of bad. A black vote of 20 percent, and quite possibly 30 percent for President Trump, will teach the Democrats that even their most cherished "Value"-abortion-is not enough to keep the black population loyal to their historically empty promises and innate racism.

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