Thursday, June 25, 2020

Democrats' anti-police bill will cripple local police and empower criminals

It may not be a plank in the official Democratic Party platform, but it's clear that Democrats and their supporters want to eliminate state and local police.

Which now controls the Democratic Party, is making a frontal assault on the police with their calls to defund and dismantle police departments.

Since Democrats are also attempting to bring all police power to the national government, their bill is also chock full of tactical mandates on local police departments.

Democrats preferred a total elimination of all legal protection to our police officers.

Democrats want to reduce or eliminate transfers of certain military surplus equipment to state and local police forces.

Were the Democratic bill to become law, the best police officers will leave, the best recruits will find something better to do, and local police agencies will die on the vine.

Let the crazy, violent, "Fictional" groups such as antifa or Black Lives Matter agitate to eliminate state and local police departments, while Democrats in Congress squeeze the life out of local police agencies.

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