Monday, May 25, 2020

Trump aims to cut red tape tying up doctors

The White House is aiming to cut occupational regulations permanently for doctors and nurses that have been suspended temporarily during the pandemic to spur economic growth, a top adviser to President Trump said.

The Trump administration has suspended scores of healthcare regulations to give the industry latitude in responding to the pandemic.

In the past couple of months, as the pandemic taxed healthcare systems in various states, particularly virus hot spots such as New York City, suspended medical licensing rules allowed doctors and nurses to practice out of state more easily, thereby allowing medical personnel to work at hard-hit, out-of-state hospitals in an emergency.

Such changes within the healthcare industry serve as examples of a larger deregulatory push the Trump administration would like to see as states reopen and the economy is resuscitated.

Trump signed a new executive order on Tuesday, directing the heads of all federal agencies to waive regulations that could inhibit an economic recovery if it does not impair public health or safety.

Deregulatory initiatives have been a major feature of the Trump presidency and are likely to be a central component of Trump's legacy.

Even during the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration has pressed forward with deregulatory efforts unrelated to the virus.

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