Monday, May 25, 2020

Deep State FBI Asked George Papadopoulos's Wife, Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos, to Spy On Her Husband!

Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos was a young, intelligent and beautiful Italian woman when she met George Papadopoulos in 2016.

One item to date has gone unreported until today - the Deep State FBI asked young Ms. Mangiante to spy on her husband.

One piece of information that we did not know until today is that the Deep State FBI reportedly asked young Simona, now a model, to spy on her husband!

Our source told us that in the course of a text message conversation with young Simona, it was revealed that Simona was asked to spy on George Papadopoulos.

Simona: george sostiene che chiedermi di collaborare equivale anche ad indossare una wire Simona: quello che ho detto a george e' la verita Simona: Che I'FBI mi ha dato un numero segreto offerto protezione e chiesto di informarli.

We reached out to Simona Papadopoulos and she confirmed this information that the FBI asked her to spy on her husband!

Simona Papadopoulos is another victim of the Obama-Comey-Brennan Deep State scandal.

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