Saturday, May 23, 2020

Top Medical Body ICMR Issues Revised Advisory On Use Of Anti-Malarial Drug Hydroxychloroquine

Top medical bdy ICMR has issued a revised advisory on use of Hydroxychloroquine for healthcare workers.

A revised government advisory has recommended use of hydroxychloroquine as a preventive medication for asymptomatic healthcare workers working in non-COVID-19 hospitals, frontline staff on surveillance duty in containment zones and paramilitary/police personnel involved in coronavirus infection related activities.

The revised advisory issued by the ICMR on Friday cautioned that the intake of the medicine should not instill a sense of false security.

"In that situation the drug needs to be discontinued. The drug can rarely cause visual disturbance including blurring of vision which is usually self-limiting and improves on discontinuation of the drug," the revised advisory said.

Highlighting the studies on prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the advisory stated that a retrospective case-control analysis at ICMR has found that there is a significant dose-response relationship between the number of prophylactic doses taken and frequency of occurrence of SARSCoV-2 infection in symptomatic healthcare workers who were tested for coronavirus infection.

According to the advisory, the drug has to be given only on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner and it is advised to consult with a physician for any adverse event or potential drug interaction before initiation of medication, it said.

Front line workers should use PPEs in accordance with the guidelines issued by the health ministry and they should be advised to consult their physician for any adverse event or potential drug interaction before initiation of medication, the advisory said.

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