Saturday, May 23, 2020

Obamagate: Obama's Ship of Lies and Deceit Has Run Aground

Until recently, we had no idea how far, deep, and wide the corruption within the Obama administration reached.

We now see up close how much Obama and his administration, along with Deep State players in various three-letter agencies and leftist-run media, bartered in corruption, lies, and the weaponization of government power.

The second "Stream of corruption" was birthed when at least thirty Obama administration officials made requests to unmask Flynn.

Why did the Obama administration specifically target Michael Flynn? Sure, Flynn is a stellar guy, but he seemed like a minor player in the scheme of things.

Why would former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice - - write a bizarre email to herself on Trump's Inauguration day regarding a January 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting-wherein Obama wanted to make it clear the Flynn investigation was being handled "By the book," repeating the term twice more in the email.

An excellent piece, "How Russiagate Began With Obama's Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign," by Lee Smith, states: "Flynn not only made it clear that he wanted to undo the Iran Deal, he also broadcast his determination to find the documents detailing the secret deals between Obama and Iran and to publicize them."

The difference between Obama and God is that God doesn't think he's Obama.

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