Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Blue State Lockdown Blues

Nearly two-thirds of leisure and hospitality jobs in New York and New Jersey and about half in California and Illinois disappeared between February and April compared to 43% in Florida, which was among the last states to lock down and first to reopen.

Four percent of construction workers in Florida lost their jobs compared to 41% in New York, 27% in New Jersey, 17% in California and 11% in Illinois.

While letting construction and manufacturing restart upstate, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo still isn't reopening New York City despite a sharp decline in new cases and hospitalizations.

A lockdown may have been necessary in New York to slow the virus spread, but the benefits have greatly diminished and the economic costs are swelling.

New York City and Chicago have the nation's highest effective commercial property tax rates after Detroit.

California, New York, Illinois and New Jersey make up 30% of the national economy, so their business carnage will affect farmers, meat processors, truckers, manufacturers and suppliers nationwide.

Three times more health-care workers in New York and New Jersey have lost jobs than have government employees.


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