Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Dozens of Democrats plan to vote remotely in a first for the House

Dozens of House Democrats are planning to vote remotely this week for the first time in the chamber's history amid concerns about the health risks involved with traveling to Washington.

At least 52 lawmakers are planning to vote by proxy, or designate a colleague physically present in the Capitol to cast votes on their behalf, according to a list published by the House clerk's office Tuesday.

The House Rules Committee has advised lawmakers to submit their letters designating proxies to the clerk's office at least two hours before the first vote.

Members planning to vote by proxy must also provide specific written instructions for each vote.

All of the lawmakers planning to vote by proxy are Democrats.

That suggests many from across the country still plan to vote in person despite the available option to vote by proxy.

Since mid-March, the House has only been in session to vote on coronavirus-related legislation, most recently on May 15 to adopt the rules changes for remote voting and to pass Democrats' $3 trillion relief package.


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