Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Obama, Clinton 9th Circuit Judges Suspend Bill of Rights Until Coronavirus is Cured

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday ruled that Democratic California Gavin Newsom's ban on in-person church services during the coronavirus pandemic can stand.

The "Constitutional standards that would normally govern our review of a Free Exercise claim should not be applied," wrote the two judges in the majority opinion.

The ruling came from Judges Jacqueline Nguyen and Barry Silverman, Nguyen is an Obama appointee and Silverman, a Clinton appointee.

The 9th Circuit has a longstanding terrible reputation, but this is a new low.

Are they proposing the suspension of the Bill of Rights until there's a cure.

Bizarrely, the Democrat judges are quoting a minority dissent arguing that speech could be censored if it was inflammatory.

The Democrat judges did not address the fact that Newsom is discriminating against religious observance.


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