Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New York makes it a felony for law enforcement to share DMV information with ICE or DHS

A U.S. Attorney in New York accused Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo of "Legislating obstruction" with a law that bans police from sharing Department of Motor Vehicles information with federal immigration agencies.

While the Green Light Law prohibited the sharing of DMV information with the Department of Homeland Security or Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Cuomo's 2020 budget passed last month as all eyes were on the coronavirus crisis, now makes that sharing of information by any law enforcement officer a class E Felony, according to WKBW. "Border Patrol for example, working the highway in the middle of the night and pulls over a vehicle, they can't run the plates to determine who owns that vehicle," U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York J.P. Kennedy told WKBW. "I think it's legislating obstruction and it's very concerning to me," Kennedy added.

The law was originally criticized for preventing ICE and federal immigration authorities from doing their jobs, as it required that the state's DMV commissioner "Shall not disclose or make accessible in any manner records or information" from the DMV to "Any agency that primarily enforces immigration law."

The 2020 budget passed in April not only did not reverse existing orders, it amended the original law to hold law enforcement officers criminally accountable for sharing information.

"I'm very concerned about this and I think it's very unfortunate and makes me really question the motives of the individuals that enacted this law, if their professed interest in public safety and public health is really as important as they say they are.," he told WKBW. Additionally, the implications of the law will go far beyond New York's borders as the impact will be felt in other states encountering illegal immigrants with New York plates.

"If any law enforcement officer in Texas ran across a New York State registered vehicle they could not run that plate if it was any officer who was involved in the enforcement of immigration law," Kennedy explained.

"We just had I think it was 29 people law enforcement people in the State of New York that just died from COVID, and they're criminals now?" he asked.


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