Friday, May 22, 2020

Michael Flynn Deserves a Justice Department Worthy of the Name

The exoneration of General Michael Flynn falls far short of justice being fully served.

Thankfully, Haman's criminal conspiracy proved flawed from the outset.

For his personal participation in the planned Jewish massacre, Haman had built a gallows seventy-five feet tall, from which he intended to hang Mordecai high enough to be viewed by the entire city.

When the king discovered what Haman had plotted against his queen and her people, he ordered Haman to be hung from the same gallows he'd built for Mordecai.

The king also gave the Jews who Haman had targeted permission to hold accountable all Haman's co-conspirators throughout the empire, in addition to Haman's ten sons who were hung on the same gallows as their father.

Like Haman, it is her malicious and malignant abuse of the powers these positions afforded her that - at her sentencing - should condemn her to swing from the very same gallows upon which she would have been content to see good people like General Flynn hang.

Justice demands accountability for wrongs done, no matter who has committed the crimes, whether it be either you or me - or even Haman or Hillary.

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