Friday, May 22, 2020

Chris Cuomo's COVID-19 Interviews With Andrew Cuomo Are Disgraceful

  1. Furthering my comments on tough questioning of Trump, I'll add that although he has faced consistently tough questions that are entirely crafted for no purpose other than making him look bad ; even during the primary debates he has also rarely faced competent tough questioning.
  2. So even though Cuomo literally got thousands of people killed by ordering patients with Covid-19 to be accepted at nursing home facilities, they continued pushing the narrative that DeSantis was failing in Florida.
  3. Chris Cuomo's COVID-19 Interviews With Andrew Cuomo Are DisgracefulCNN should put an end to this bad family comedy routine—and start asking the governor real questions.
  4. CNN has been relentless with the narrative the Cuomo is a hero and other states  particularly Florida failed miserably and got people killed.
  5. They've completely failed to do so because they are obsessed with asking questions about some tweet, or playing gotcha with something someone said a week ago that kinda but not really contradicts Trump.
  6. Asking Trump a couple of Boxer or Brief level questions in the midst of this sea of have you stopped beating your wife yet coverage is hardly noteworthy.
  7. “This policy could lead to major delays in vulnerable people receiving the nursing home care they need or returning to the facility that is their home, and ignores the fact that several nursing homes in New York, at the state’s encouragement, have set up dedicated units that are effectively caring for COVID-positive residents,” LeadingAge New York Executive Vice President Daniel Heim said.
  8. It is bad enough that they were so blatant and open about their attempt to slander a bunch of high school kids in order to lash out at their political enemies who might dare support Trump – but they have persisted with pushing this lie, even after it has been fully debunked and long after lawsuits have been filed over the libel in this story.

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