Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How Susan Rice's Role in the Rwandan Genocide Predicted Obamagate

"If we use the word genocide and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November election?" Samantha Power, who would later become Obama's UN Ambassador, quoted Rice as saying during the Rwandan Genocide.

The genocide of black people mattered less to Rice than her southern white boss winning an election.

"When Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice came back from her first trip to the Great Lakes region, a member of her staff said, 'Museveni and Kagame agree that the basic problem in the Great Lakes is the danger of a resurgence of genocide and they know how to deal with that. The only thing we have to do is look the other way.'".

To understand Rice's actions in Obamagate and Benghazi, we have to go back to Rwanda and to Rice's primary foreign policy orientation, which is that of a non-ideological political operative who is solely concerned with what impact any foreign event will have on the political fortunes of her boss.

That's why Rice ended up as the point woman on Obamagate and why she went out to lie about Benghazi.

As Dowd wrote damningly, Rice had rented her soul, "On the talk shows one Sunday in September." The New York Times columnist was referring to Rice's tour of talk shows where she falsely claimed that the Benghazi attack had really been a protest in response to a YouTube video, and that it was spontaneous, rather than a planned attack, all of which contradicted the intelligence and local information.

Why pick Rice, an unknown outside political circles, who hasn't won elections or cultivated a political base? Like Obama, Biden knows that Rice is loyal and will do anything for the job.


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