Tuesday, May 26, 2020

As Long As a Political Party Believes It Owns African-Americans, Blacks Will Not Be Free

When was the last time the United Kingdom elected a Black Prime Minister? Or how about a Black president or prime minister in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Greece, Germany, Belgium, or anywhere else in the oh-so-politically correct dissolving European Union? Has China ever had a non-Chinese ethnic head their godless country of bat-cat-rat-eaters? How about the vaunted Russians? Was Stalin Black? Khrushchev? Brezhnev? Andropov? Gorbachev? Putin? Any Blacks in the wings? Or how about cabinet ministers, United Nations ambassadors?

Because, as long as Democrats believe in their innermost hearts the political secret that their idiot candidate blurted out - the belief that "If you don't vote Democrat, then you ain't Black!" - African Americans will remain lowest on the ladder, last on the line of priorities, and as close to enslaved as free people still can be.

Where Democrats have owned the municipality's electoral control and have governed unchallenged for decades, Blacks have the worst poverty, face the highest crime, receive the poorest education, emerge with the fewest prospects.

As long as Democrats define Blacks as their property - believing essentially that "You belong to us, or you ain't Black" - they will see the Black community in the same way that carpetbaggers saw the recently freed slaves a century and a half ago, as a hoodwinked population ripe for the pickings and who can be trained - and addicted - to rely on the Democrats for Big Government "Largesse." That "Largesse" comes in the form of handouts: food stamps, welfare, the whole "Great Society" litany.

It is not my place to tell African Americans what is best for them, and it certainly is not my place to tell them whether they are or are not Black.

If someone were to tell me that, if I do not vote for his party then I "Ain't a Jew," you can bet your family farm that, at least for the subsequent election, I would bullet vote for the other side just to make the point as clear as can be: No political party and no person owns me except for my G-d. I wish and pray for Black voters that they someday come to the same conclusion.

Because until they do, until they realize that absolutely no person and no party ever should be allowed to reach the conclusion that they have Blacks in their pockets and have the power to tell them how they are expected to behave, Black Americans will not be free.


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