Monday, May 25, 2020

California GOP Sues to Stop Newsom's Coronavirus Power Grab

"Moreover, in his haste, the Governor created a system that will violate eligible citizens' right to vote. By ordering that vote-by-mail ballots be automatically sent to every registered voter-including inactive voters, voters with invalid registrations, voters who have moved, voters who have died, and voters who don't want a ballot-he has created a recipe for disaster. No State that regularly conducts statewide all-mail elections automatically mails ballots to inactive voters because it invites fraud, coercion, theft, and otherwise illegitimate voting," the lawsuit argues.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi smuggled in vote-by-mail election overhauls into coronavirus relief bills in March and again in May, as Rep. Jim Clyburn said the crisis was "a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision." Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has called the coronavirus an "Opportunity" for "Structural change" on voting.

"Newsom's illegal power grab is a recipe for disaster that would destroy the confidence Californians deserve to have in the security of their vote."

"The disastrous Motor Voter program arbitrarily changed voter registration for thousands casting doubt on the integrity and accuracy of our voter rolls. Using this pandemic in a unilateral power grab to change our election laws with an executive order will further put the integrity of our elections into question. The California Republican Party will fight back at every step to ensure a secure election, as Californians rightfully expect and deserve."

The suit quotes Florida State University law professor Michael Morley, who warned in a March 2020 paper that "Even when voter registration records are accurate, voters may not be staying at their addresses of record. If stay-at-home orders remain in place, voters may be staying with family or friends for the duration of the quarantine. Thus, automatically mailing out millions of ballots to addresses where voters may not be located will lead to millions of unaccounted-for ballots, facilitates ballot theft, and can lead to inadvertent or intentional double voting."

California is not ready for a transition to mail-in voting.

The Election Integrity Project California has reported that as of February 18, 2020, 13 California counties - which represent about 46 percent of the state's population - have more registered voters than eligible citizens.

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