Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Dangerous Stalinism Of The "Woke" Hard-Left

The influence of the hard-left on our future leaders is far more pervasive, insidious and dangerous than the influence of the hard-right.

People on the "Woke" hard-left seem so self-righteous about their monopoly over Truth that many of them see no reason to allow dissenting, politically incorrect, views to be expressed.

The most extreme example of this distortion of the role of higher education took place at my own university when a distinguished dean of a Harvard residential college was fired from his deanship because some "Woke" students claimed to feel unsafe in his presence because he was representing, as a defense lawyer, a man accused of rape.

To be sure, there is a vast difference between how Stalin treated political incorrectness and how the "Woke" generation treats it.

For many "Wokers," freedom of speech is nothing more than a weapon of the privileged used to subjugate the unprivileged.

The other dangerous similarity between the Stalinists and the "Wokers" is that both disdain due process for those they deem guilty of political incorrectness or other crimes and sins.

That is why I make the controversial claim that today the "Woke" hard-left is more dangerous to civil liberties than the right.

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