Saturday, September 28, 2019

Pelosi's House Rule Changes are Key Part of “Articles of Impeachment”, Being Drafted Over Next Two Weeks…

Back in December 2018 CTH noted the significant House rule changes constructed by Nancy Pelosi for the 116th congress seemed specifically geared toward impeachment.

With the House going into a scheduled calendar recess, those rules are now being used to subvert historic processes and construct the articles of impeachment.

Speaker Pelosi has authorized the House committees to work together under the umbrella of an "Official impeachment inquiry." The House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees are currently working together leading this process.

Unlike historic examples of committee impeachment assembly, and in combination with the lack of an initiation vote, Pelosi's earlier House Rule changes now appear intentionally designed to block republicans during the article assembly process.

The articles of impeachment will then be voted out of each committee; and after a significant dramatic pause for maximum political value, Speaker Pelosi will present days of House debate on them.

Once Pelosi is certain the maximum political benefit has been achieved, she will announce the date for the Full House Vote on Articles of Impeachment.

The same people who will stand jaw-agape as this House Impeachment process is happening are the same people who denied it was likely when CTH originally showed the rule changes, road-map, and impeachment schedule in January.

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