Saturday, September 28, 2019

Biden Ukraine Debacle Means Nobody in Deep State Ever Going to Jail

Nobody, absolutely nobody from the Deep State is going to jail for anything, neither for standard clandestine government shenanigans nor for clearly-visible influence-peddling of all types.

How do we know all of a sudden that nobody from the Deep State is going to jail for what has been called "SpyGate," AND that the Trump presidency now hangs by a thread? Because by asking the government of Ukraine to begin a formal investigation of Hunter Biden's lucrative deal with an energy company there, President Trump has done the unthinkable: he has challenged Washington's influence-peddling culture, and there is no political constituency for this type of self-examination and reform.

Why? Because railing against the Deep State tyranny is good GOP politics, but rare is the GOP senator who is not waiting to "Cash in" in the same fashion as then Vice President Joe Biden did for himself and his son Hunter Biden in questionable deals with a Ukrainian energy company and a $1 billion private equity contract with a subsidiary of the Chinese government's Bank of China.

Absolutely nobody is going to jail for perpetrating the Russia Collusion Mueller Report Lie on the American People in which the Deep State concocted a phony investigation of President Trump in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of his election victory in 2016.

Members of the Deep State and the Democratic Industrial Complex never go to jail.

That's probably why the Republicans in the Senate, which they control, have not announced they are going to hold hearings on the activities of Hunter Biden while his father Joe Biden was vice president.

One thing though is nearly certain: Nobody, absolutely nobody from the Deep State is going to jail for anything, neither for standard clandestine government shenanigans nor for clearly-visible influence-peddling of all types.

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