Saturday, September 28, 2019

Pelosi's Six-Committee Impeachment Investigation

Nancy Pelosi got spooked by rumors about a suppressed whistleblower complaint and may have jumped the gun, announcing the beginning of an equally undefined impeachment investigation by six House committees.

On Tuesday, October 23, a landslide of resolutions calling for Nixon's impeachment, launching an impeachment investigation or appointing a special prosecutor were introduced.

The most interesting "Insider's" description of what went down during HJC Chairman Peter Rodino's impeachment inquiry comes from a book written by its long-time majority counsel, Jerry Zeifman: Without Honor: Crimes of Camelot and the Impeachment of President Nixon.

The HJC began its impeachment inquiry on October 30, 1972, but the committee didn't get around to hiring Doar until December 20, following a two-month search.

In the end, on July 30, HJC members recommended the last of three Articles of Impeachment to the full House, while rejecting two others proposed by the impeachment inquiry staff.

While Jerry Nadler's HJC claims to have been conducting an investigation to determine whether or not there should be an impeachment inquiry, Pelosi's September 25 announcement is really the starting gun.

Cross-examination of witnesses by committee staff would be far more serious than that done to date by committee members, but Nadler would then have to face the question of whether or not Trump's lawyers get to participate, too.

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