Sunday, September 1, 2019

Joe Walsh: Just Another Doomed Blowhard

The current political moment looks a lot like the last political moment: Republican Never Trumpers of the sort who might back Walsh have learned nothing, just like the effete Democratic Party has learned nothing.

Another of Walsh's greatest hits was his claim that the election of Barack Obama was "The single greatest act of racism in American history." But now he's horrified by "Immoral" rhetoric? When Walsh calls Trump a "Racial arsonist," then what is Walsh? The man with the flamethrower.

Walsh has called Trump a "Child," implying somewhat unfairly that he is an adult by comparison.

To be fair, Walsh does have a point about the massive additions to the national debt that the president is making-a direct contradiction to Trump's campaign promises to cut the debt.

How would Walsh actually differ from Trump? He vaguely claims that he would be better, better fiscally, better on the border.

It's a copy-paste "Redemption story" that's unlikely to hit home, especially since many who might back Walsh already back Trump and will only be turned off by his apology tour.

Republicans like Walsh can't trump Trump because they've never really grasped the dynamic and paradoxical nature of his appeal.

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