Sunday, December 23, 2018

Year-End Spending Deal Contains Troubling Provisions, Busts the Budget

Tucked into the legislative text of this spending bill is language that would delay automatic cuts or sequestration of certain federal spending programs by at least one year.

The idea is that all new entitlement spending should be paid for and revenue reductions should entail spending reductions.

The way it works is simple: The Office of Management and Budget keeps a running tally of all of the deficit impact of legislation passed in a given year via a "Scorecard." If that scorecard shows a net deficit increase, this triggers an automatic spending reduction or sequestration of certain, nonexempt federal spending programs.

The Congressional Budget Office score of the version of the spending bill that passed the Senate shows that it would cause a deficit increase as a result of renewing a handful of Medicaid provisions that were set to expire.

The spending bill not only keeps the Medicaid-related deficits off the scorecard, but it also directs the current scorecard balance to be shifted into the next fiscal year; thereby delaying automatic spending cuts until at least the following year.

While the administration has been consistent in making the case for the border initiative, that spending should easily be able to fit within the swollen spending caps.

In sum, the spending bill busts the budget even more by delaying automatic spending cuts, keeping new mandatory spending on Medicaid provisions off the PAYGO scorecard, and blowing up an already inflated discretionary budget even further with additional emergency spending that is not paid for.

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