Sunday, December 23, 2018

CNN's Philip Mudd Inadvertently Makes Case for Funding Border Wall

CNN commentator Philip Mudd is known for his extreme hostility towards President Donald Trump.

What was unusual was that Mudd actually made a great case to fund the border wall, not so much for border security but rather just to get a budget deal done and avoid a government shutdown.

He couldn't believe that there couldn't be a successful negotiation to agree to an amount somewhere between the $1.6 billion offered and the $5 billion Trump requested.

It is the art of the deal which is exactly what dealmaker Trump aspires to but which Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has been repeatedly rejecting so as not to give Trump any kind of win.

Now Mudd replies with something that initially seems to validate Blitzer's typical anti-Trump attitude but ends up inadvertently supporting Trump's attempt at negotiating funding for the border wall.

Comical leadership? How about the comical leadership of Chuck Schumer who just can't stand giving Trump any kind of win on the border wall? Who between the two adversaries is completely unwilling to "Bridge $3.4 million, which is a decimal point in the budget?" My simple math tells me if they split the difference that would make it $3.3 billon for the border wall.

One could see Trump the experienced negotiator agreeing to something in that range, but Schumer just can't allow even that "Decimal point" win for Trump.

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