Friday, December 21, 2018

The Rest Of The Story 3

If anyone still thinks Google is an all American outfit read this and you will understand just how dishonest, hypocritical, left wing oriented and un-American they are. Quote: "Google execs think that tweaking your newsfeed and waiting for decades of uncontrolled immigration to kick in are enough to give Democratic leaders like Schumer a lock on national elections forever. “Let’s make sure that we reverse things in four years – demographics will be on our side,” wrote Google engineer Scott Byer wrote in a message sent the day after the 2016 presidential election. He said that the voters had been too easily distracted by “loud noises” and “false equivalencies.” “And Google, sadly, had a hand in it,” Byer wrote in a message obtained by The Daily Caller. Byer complained that Google’s election search results let “items from opinion blogs (Breitbart, Daily Caller)” be “elevated next to legitimate news organizations.” “That’s something that can and should be fixed,” he told his fellow Google employees. Of course, CNN and liberal propaganda would be allowed — just not conservative opinion."    I have said it before stop using Google as your search engine and move to one that does not mess with your mind like duckduckgo.

Google is proving itself to be an enemy of the people as it continues its move to the hard left. Quote: "So, when a company operating in America becomes so large that it assumes the role of public square, we must ensure that the values and freedoms of the American people remain at the forefront of their vision.  Otherwise, they are, by default, unconstitutional, and should be tempered by one means or another. Such is the case for Google, who have been acting in the best interests of the liberal left for the better part of the last decade.  At first, these biases were relegated to the realm of conspiracy fodder, with men like Alex Jones being the lone, ranting, raving harbinger of worry. Now, however, thanks to the awakening of the American people, we see Google for what is truly is:  A shadowy megalith of a cultural rudder that has been working to steer our entire ship to the left."

This study proves that the mainstream media is all in for left wing progressive liberal Democrat politics.  As the piece says there is no longer and doubt of their political bias. Quote: "It used to be thought that, sure, the cultural beat writers, book reviewers and Op-Ed writers all shared a common intellectual bent and thus were more likely to be left-leaning than other reporters. But these recent studies show that’s not true,” Investor’s Business Daily shared. “The taint of bias now infects all of journalism, not just the cultural and opinion spinners.” And this does not bode well for the journalists, or even journalism, as a distrust of the media will send Americans in search of alternatives, the editorial contends, calling on the mainstream media to address the issue. “Smug denial is no longer an option.”   More: "The public now says only 9% of Trump news coverage is 'fair'   Will left wing morons ever wake up and see that they are on the wrong track.?

Protecting their left wing friends from exposure and attacking their political enemies on the right for is the job the mainstream media has adopted as their mission.  Quote: "The media is losing their collective minds over the fact that border patrol used tear gas on the migrants that were storming the border. The hypocrisy in their coverage became exposed when it was revealed that under the Obama administration migrants were tear-gassed multiple times while the media remained silent."     They don't even try to hide their hypocrisy any more.  

Some of the reporting by members political left wing mainstream media and some left wing politicians borders on purposeful criminal slanderous behavior.  All because Hillary lost.  This is an example.   This is purposeful and definitely intentional efforts designed to inflict harm.

Truth by the mainstream media is a hard to find.  This is just one example.   The mainstream media is a disgusting lot.  Here is the proof.

It is truly shameful how the entirety of the rank dishonesty and disreputable behavior of the political left, especially the leftist mainstream media, as it seeks to exploit the border problems to their political advantage while ignoring that their political leadership did the same thing Trump is doing.

It is truly unbelievable what the mainstream media is willing to do to push their left wing narratives on us.  We cannot trust anything they write or say.  They are consummate propagandist for all things political left. 

Proof that Twitter is protecting left wing establishment of special interest groups.  They censor anyone who questions transgender ideology. Quote: "In a recent update to their terms of service, Twitter has decided to ban anyone on the platform from “misgendering” or “deadnaming” transgender individuals. Now, if you refer to a transgender person using the wrong pronoun or refer to them using the name they held before their transition, you can expect your account to be suspended. Nevermind the scientific realities about sex and gender and nevermind the importance of protecting free speech even if you might not agree with it – question the leftist views on transgender ideology and you’ll be promptly removed from the platform. This update should come as no surprise to anyone who’s been following the efforts of these tech giants to restrict free speech and enforce a liberal agenda. Like it or not, these companies now have control over both the majority of information that American’s see as well as the majority of communication in the country. Rather than understanding the enormous responsibility that comes with that power, Twitter and others are using their power to enforce the company’s leftist ideology."    Those on the political left are close minded, anti-science and ideologically deaf, blind and dumb.  Hence anything that challenges their oh so righteous ideology must be banned from everyone's eyes and ears.  The political left progressive Democrat socialists are the source of so very many of today's problems rooted in their total embrace of hate filled, divisive and destructive cultural Marxist ideology.  Dialogue is no longer possible...obeying their seriously flawed doctrinal nonsense is demanded.  They just "know" they are superior to anyone who doubts or challenges their superiority.

This should bring a smile to your face. The irony of the left wing author is classic.

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