Thursday, December 20, 2018

Martin Armstrong Exposes 'The Central Bank War'

You have said the Fed needed to raise rates because of the pension crisis and it would have nothing to do with inflation but it has to normalize rates to help pensions.

The Fed MUST raise rates to help the crisis in Pension funds.

This is a brand new Central Bank War that nobody seems to get I suppose since I may be the only person who actually speaks to central banks outside the USA. All the various central banks and the IMF have been lobbying the Federal Reserve since 2014 pleading with it NOT to raise rates.

The lobbying behind the curtain against the Fed raising rates has been very intense.

"The talk behind the curtain remains that the Fed is still under pressure to PLEASE don't raise rates. The lobbying continues from the IMF, ECB, and Emerging Markets."

Raising rates is NECESSARY for the Fed also realizes that come the next economic recession, the only tool they have is to lower rates.

Reducing short-term interest rates is the Fed's greatest power according to Summers under Monetarism to bring about full employment during recessions.

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