Friday, December 21, 2018

What's Next in FBI Oversight

James Comey gave his follow-up testimony to Congress this week, in which he continued to profess memory loss about most of the 2016 investigation of the Trump campaign.

Thanks to two years of dogged investigation, House Republicans already know the story of the FBI's 2016 doings.

House and Senate investigators get pride of place for unraveling one of the greatest dirty tricks of our political times, in which a Democratic administration, party and presidential campaign either co-opted or fooled the FBI into investigating the Republican campaign.

In January 2017, CNN reported the explosive news that "Classified documents" from a "Credible" "Former British intelligence operative" alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians.

Some Republicans believe the release would be sufficient to justify a Justice Department investigation.

Which is why the interviews a joint House Judiciary and Oversight task force has been holding since summer are so important.

The task force has been working its way through key players-former FBI agent Peter Strzok, former FBI counsel James Baker, Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Mr. Comey and others.

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