Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Manchurian Counterfeit

Obama quickly learned that 'cool' conquers 'comprehension' when it comes to dealing with their dialed-in constituency, the tv-trained millennials and their dimbulb generations to follow.

Obama conducted an online "Whistle-stop" conversation with America early on in his first term.

The first thing out of Barack's mouth was simply, "Wow, that's a really cool Bob Marley poster you've got on your wall there!" Obama was hip.

You can imagine my shock when the best the GOP could come up with against Obama in 2012 were the stunt-doubles for the 1967 version of Batman and Robin.

Eight years of a silver tongued devil like Obama - and all the racist and cultic hell he could raise - still haven't taught us much at all regarding the mindset that today rallies behind what we consider nut-jobs like Clinton, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Booker, and the rest of them.

Barack Obama went out of his way to stump for her, even though she is caucasian because he knew the magic she would bring to progressive socialists looking for a shoe-in with the high school children destined to take over and literally overpower what is left of thinking America.

To the man, they all accomplished their horrible legacies working through the inflamed passions of mobs consumed by ignorance and desperation - exactly the constituency comprising today's leftist America - and the swarms of offscouring and vagabonds now marching toward our southern border.

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