Sunday, November 18, 2018

Democrats Claim the GA Governor's Race Was Stolen from Stacey Abrams. One Fact-Checker Completely Destroys That Theory.

Democrat Stacey Abrams lost a legitimate election in Georgia for the governor's seat.

Ari Berman, a writer for the leftist rag, Mother Jones, wrote a piece about the "Tainted" election and shared it on social media.

The "1.5 million purged" is the total number of voters that have been removed from the rolls since 2012.

Similar laws have been upheld by SCOTUS. It requires the rolls to be updated by removing voters that have not voted for some time and do not respond to contact from the state.

All of these voters could still vote w/ normal ballots as long as they provided ID at the polling place.

There is a high burden to justify claiming an election was stolen.

Far too many will read Berman's bullet points and conclude that Abrams had the race stolen right out of her hands.

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