Friday, November 30, 2018

How Trump Can Cut Spending If Congress Doesn't

At an Oct. 17 Cabinet meeting, President Trump directed department and agency heads to reduce spending by at least 5 percent in the fiscal year 2020 budget.

Time and again, Congress has ignored presidential cost-saving recommendations and plowed ahead with budgets that increase both spending and the size of government.

Just last year the president's budget sought to reduce non-defense discretionary spending by $54 billion.

The Democratic House can be expected to make much-needed defense spending increases contingent on increases in domestic spending.

Trump is not entirely powerless to cut excessive spending.

Welcome to the Administrative State, where departments and agencies are forever issuing new rules and clarifications about how they will run their programs.

Recognizing the profound fiscal effect of administrative actions, the Office of Management and Budget under President George W. Bush issued a memo requiring departments and agencies planning to take administrative actions that would increase spending on entitlements to also come up with proposals for actions that would reduce mandatory spending by an equal amount.

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