Tuesday, November 20, 2018

France Suffers Anti-Carbon Revolt: Massive Road Blocks Against Macron's Diesel Tax

In stunning irony, the French protest against Macron's diesel tax, while Macron insists the UK abide by climate accord.

The recent price hike is a direct result of President Emmanuel Macron's commitment to curbing climate change, which included higher carbon taxes for 2018, the first full year of his term.

The French government approved a measure in late 2017 increasing a direct tax on diesel as well as a tax on carbon, allegedly to fight against climate change.

The so-called Contribution Climat Énergie, a French version of the carbon tax, has steadily increased fuel prices in recent years.

The gilets jaunes are a grass-roots revolt against high fuel prices, and they threaten to paralyze France on Saturday.

Trump clashed with French President Emmanuel Macron as he arrived in Paris for a celebration marking the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War.

Please note that Macron has placed a new demand on the UK in Brexit: Macron Wants Climate Change to be Part of "Final" Brexit Deal.


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