Tuesday, November 20, 2018

These are the violent criminals slated for early release under the jailbreak bill

Why hasn't there been a real legislative debate over this bill? In a legislative debate, you are no longer simply debating press releases and talking points, but actual provisions in the bill.

Obviously, the crux of the bill offers early release to almost all practical drug trafficking convictions that deal with those responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans every year.

The bill also added a category of "Supervised release" that is undefined and has taken away discretion from the Bureau of Prisons to deny early release to those judged to be violent.

The fact sheet accompanying the bill states that "Violent criminals and sex offenders do not qualify for pre-release custody." Putting aside the Orwellian use of the term "Pre-release custody," this assertion is simply not true once you understand how violent criminals are usually convicted in the federal system and the nature of those in the federal system.

Nine years is not even that much, but this is the quintessential target of federal prosecutors and the typical criminal who would be released under this bill.

Promoters of the bill have the impudence to suggest that this bill is good for African-Americans.

Sadly, Trump is siding with the backers of this jailbreak bill because it appears he is being lied to about the consequences of the bill.


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