Monday, November 19, 2018

Democrat Losers: Undignified and Dangerous

What do Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, and Bill Nelson have in common? Each asked the voters for important positions of leadership and promptly proved themselves unworthy of those offices when the answer was "No." It isn't necessary, of course, to revisit Gore's reluctant acceptance of reality or Clinton's querulous hypocrisy.

Even worse, her bitter diatribe included a promise to file additional lawsuits in order to "Pursue accountability in Georgia's elections and integrity in the process of maintaining our voting rolls." Abrams pledged to fight mythical "Mismanagement of this election and to protect future elections from unconstitutional actions."

The real problem is no more complicated than the inability of Abrams to garner enough votes to win the election.

The Sunshine State's governor, Rick Scott, emerged victorious from the election and two laborious recounts during which Democrat election officials like Brenda Snipes of Broward County oscillated between illegal manipulation of ballots and breathtaking incompetence.

Given his efforts to undermine the votes of Floridians, this is the only way that we can ensure that the people's votes are protected.

The reason he's doing these things is obvious: He's worried when all the votes are counted, he'll lose the election.

Not one called for Abrams to stop accusing Brian Kemp - without evidence - of voter suppression.

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