Friday, September 28, 2018

Two House polls show progressive candidates trailing

Majority Forward, a major Democratic outside group, is launching two new spots that punch at two Republicans-West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn-on the opioid crisis.

The West Virginia spot includes a firefighter and paramedic in the state recounting stories of responding to overdoses in the state while criticizing Morrisey for his past work lobbying for drug companies.

"I don't think Patrick Morrisey wants to see what hell's been wrought by drug companies he lobbied for," the man says.

The Tennessee ad accuses a Blackburn bill for neutering the Drug Enforcement Agency in the fight against illegal drugs.

These attacks have been central to the Democratic push against the two candidates, as they look to connect with voters' personal experiences with the epidemic that has hit both states hard.

Morrisey's drug lobbying past was an issue during the primary election too as opponents sought to link him to the devastating epidemic in the state.

"Washington liberals will do anything to distract from Manchin's record of being asleep at the switch as the drug epidemic took root in West Virginia. Morrisey has been a national leader in combating the drug epidemic, reaching record settlements, and forcing the DEA to crack down on the supply of illicit drugs," Morrisey spokesman Nathan Brand said in a statement.

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