Thursday, September 27, 2018

Things Fall Apart: NYT Delivers Another Kill Shot To Kavanaugh Sexual Misconduct Fiasco

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who first came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh, is set to testify and answer questions before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Now, we have Julie Swetnick alleging the most absurd of all: Kavanaugh was part of a gang-rape ring in high school.

JUST IN: White House releases letter it says is from more than 60 men and women who knew Judge Kavanaugh in HS, refuting Julie Swetnick's new allegations - NBC News pic.

In a sworn declaration released by Avenatti, Swetnick said she attended a public high school near Georgetown Prep, where Kavanaugh was a student.

"I witnessed Brett Kavanaugh consistently engage in excessive drinking and inappropriate contact of a sexual nature with women during the early 1980s," she said.

Caleb Hull September 26, 2018 BREAKING: Avenatti has been asked SIX TIMES since Sunday to make his client available to be interviewed by Senate Judiciary Committee attorneys regarding her allegations that Brett Kavanaugh was the mastermind behind a secret child gang rape cartel.

In a statement, Judge Kavanaugh denied the allegation from the woman, Deborah Ramirez, and called it "a smear, plain and simple." The New Yorker did not confirm with other eyewitnesses that Judge Kavanaugh was at the party.

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