Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh Hearing Was The Democrats' Worst Nightmare

The questioning of Dr. Ford became unsettling for Kavanaugh supporters, as the seemingly wise decision to outsource questions to a female attorney seemed to sputter.

Democrats took full advantage of their spotlight moments, while the Republicans landed hardly a glove on a narrative they had spent a week doubting.

As soon as Judge Kavanaugh completed his opening statement, it became clear what the afternoon matinee would contain: Republicans showing more spine than they have in years, accompanied by Democrats making total asses of themselves.

There had been a question at daybreak as to whether Dr. Ford would cry- she came close-but little speculation that Judge Kavanaugh would well up.

There may even be Democrats up for re-election in Trump states rethinking the "No" votes that seemed defensible just days ago.

No matter how the judge's fate unfolds, history will well remember Lindsey Graham's fiery rebuke of Democrats for the behavior they have displayed for decades.

The confirmation of Kavanaugh is now a moral necessity-so that a good man's reputation can be restored, rules of basic decency upheld, and viciously craven political tactics dealt the death blow they deserve.

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