Friday, September 28, 2018

Judge Righteously And Pray For Righteous Judgment

Brett Kavanaugh is the absolute picture of old fashioned integrity. And, like the President who is trying to hire him, he is currently being beat up and clawed at mercilessly by satan’s representatives and their cattle-brained followers (the so-called ‘democrats’). The scandal-saturated left is today barely recognizable compared to what it was back when JFK and Hubert Humphrey were at the helm. I have often spoken of the striking contrast that exists between that former and the present Democratic Party that has so drastically morphed into the vile monstrosity it is today. The stark change was initiated by the catalyst of Jesse Jackson’s desperation toss, his ‘Rainbow Coalition’, back in 1984. Jackson had nearly run out of hippies to fuel the foundering ship that had drifted Walter Mondale toward the White House. And so the Rainbow Coalition was born. Like their current push for ‘open borders’ and every other weird fad guaranteed to attract an obligated constituency, the liberals are willing to do anything for votes. They have made themselves the representative umbrella to every kook, pervert and cultist in creation. And, voilĂ , we have the exact liberty-killing leech that Alexander Hamilton and other framers warned would spring forth in the event that Constitutionally governed America ever lost its God-given conscience. We are there.

To say the vicious grilling that Judge Kavanaugh endured yesterday was ‘shameful’ simply doesn’t work in this instance since since the left has no shame. There is never a limit to these clowns’—Obama, Clinton, Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Booker, et al—terror as they push forward their avaricious dream of strip mining America and eventually the world. But they could not survive if it were not for their perfectly mesmerized and willing audience of followers who are stupid and amoral enough to rally along with them. And liberal media are avowed to keep them in power because they share that common dream. They will be cooperatively ruling over a worldwide mob of thimble-headed numbskulls who have been conditioned to keep perfectly obedient by merely the threat of being seen as not going along with the trendy crowd.

The brilliant Republican, Nebraskan Senator Ben Sasse, did a twelve-minute speech before the House last week that should have, by its illumination, set America on its ear. He perfectly described the schematic of the evil intentioned left’s plan to construct their dictatorship through mostly the Judicial branch of our government - which, under the right executive would give their ghoul its perfect Boswell. As Sasse so succinctly delineated, the Democrats, the whole clan of them, are trying to—through a perversion of our Constitutional framework—entirely sidestep the people’s involvement in our governance, by the appointment of Supreme Court justices who will drag their politics into their ‘interpreting’ of laws. They will therefore effectively become the lawmakers. That completely explains why they are fighting tooth and nail to keep a fair and decidedly constitutional jurist like Brett Kavanaugh as far away from the Supreme Court as they possibly can.

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