Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Return Of The Inquisition: Do You Confess?

In the early days when Rome was still a republic, its Senate was a highly revered institution that stood for wisdom, dignity, and virtue.

The men who served in the Senate during the early republic were heavily responsible for building the most advanced civilization the world had ever seen up to that point.

Within a few hundred years, the Senate had become a corrupt joke, filled with venal criminals, weak sycophants, and mediocre minds.

Another disgusting perversion of justice is that the United States Senate actually felt compelled to negotiate with the accuser about when/how she would testify.

Accusers must face the accused in a court of law and submit to cross-examination, following the same rules that everyone else has to follow.

There are countless legions of people, including United States Senators, who have already made up their minds, like the Inquisition demanding, "Do you confess?".

Clearly the Senate is no longer an assembly of kings but a brood of bickering, immature weaklings.

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