Friday, September 28, 2018

The Fever Swamp Creature Dianne Feinstein's Mess

Finally, at the end of the day, Senator Cruz and then Senators Cornyn and Grassley confronted her about her perfidy.

The Senator from California seemed genuinely shocked to be called out.

How, precisely, did the news of the existence of Dr. Ford come to the public when only Senator Feinstein and a Congresswoman and their staffs had access to the letter in question?

Senator Feinstein ended up blaming Dr. Ford and her "Beach friends."

The counsel for Dr. Ford were overheard asking the cameramen to not focus on Ms. Mitchell but to include the Senators.

Both Senator Graham and Senator Cruz could have made short work of Dr. Ford's monster-truck sized holes in her story, but that wasn't the point.

So Senator Feinstein lit everything on fire and burned it all.

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