Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Willing Enablers of Democrat Depravity

The humorless fake news media naturally blasted and intentionally mis-reported the presser, just as they had blasted and mis-reported the President's speech.

Which is what the fake news media does in this country.

He should hold a presser just like he did yesterday every Friday afternoon and let it dominate the news cycle for every weekend.

That brings me around to the actual point I want to make in this long and winding piece, which is that the Democrats feel free to engage in the vile, evil, demented behaviors in which they have engaged related to this nomination because they know they will never be held accountable for doing so by our fake news media.

The result is that our major media organizations, with only a handful of exceptions, now perform as nothing more than propaganda outlets for the Democrat Party, and more specifically for its increasingly radicalized voter base.

The consequence of that is what we have witnessed on our television screens for the past two years, as the Democrat Party funds and coordinates the rising level of leftist violence on our streets, and mounts the disgraceful political circus designed to destroy not just the reputation of Judge Kavanaugh, but his family and his life as well.

You should go out to Amazon and pay a few bucks to read it, because it perfectly describes what is happening in our society today, thanks to the Democrats and their willing enablers in our national fake news media.

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