Thursday, September 27, 2018

Russia and Kavanaugh – evidence schmevidence

Let's start with the accusation that Trump colluded with the Russians to hack the election and defeat the otherwise inevitable election victor, Hillary Clinton.

Simply make an accusation with the stipulation that the accused prove their innocence, not that the accuser proves guilt.

Their only "Corroboration" is someone corroborating that they made the accusation, not anything Kavanaugh did or didn't do.

Evidence be damned, it's the accusation that's important, and all that matters.

Such accusations can damage a person's job, family, reputation, and future.

Taking accusations further, the accused is entitled to confront the accuser and whatever evidence they may or may not have.

To be considered guilty of such accusations, the evidence must convince a jury of one's peers "Beyond a reasonable doubt." If there is reasonable doubt, then the accused is pronounced not guilty.

It’s jujitsu time on the Kavanaugh accusations September 27, 2018 As desperate people intoxicated by early success are wont to do, the Democrat opponents of Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court have overplayed their hand. We’ve seen something very like this happen before. More
Kavanaugh smeared, two men come forward to find the real (narrative) killer September 27, 2018 Is the nightmarish miasma of increasingly phony charges against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh about to come to an end? Sure looks like it, as two men step forward and say they were the ones who assaulted the woman who charges Kavanaugh with the assault 37 years ago. More
House Republicans perform political triage to save their majority September 27, 2018 The grim business of choosing winners and losers has been deemed necessary in order to husband limited resources. More
These women are hired guns! September 27, 2018 None of these Kavanaugh accusers is remotely believable. This is a Democrat con game. More
Avenatti's new Kavanaugh witness: Not the best poker player September 27, 2018 Julie Swetnick's salacious accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are the worst bluff yet seen in this farce of a SCOTUS poker game. More
Blasey Ford's published medical research includes 6 articles on the abortion pill September 27, 2018 In the USA, 31% of abortions before nine weeks are by pill (not surgery). More

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