Saturday, October 10, 2015

Medical Science

This item suggests that evidence exists that many of today's untreatable illnesses are caused by pharmaceutical drugs.  Quote: “Mitochondrial damage is now understood to play a role in a wide range of seemingly unrelated disorders such as schizophrenia, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Recently it has become known that iatrogenic (physician or treatment-caused) mitochondrial damage explains many adverse reactions from medications.” And, “All classes of psychotropic drugs have been documented to damage mitochondria, as have statin medications, analgesics such as acetaminophen, and many others." – John Neustadt, MD and Steven Pieczenik, MD  Here is a short bio on author of the article.  Dr Gary G Kohls is a retired physician who practiced holistic mental health care for the last decade of his career. Virtually all of his patients exhibited iatrogenic (prescription drug-related) syndromes such as are mentioned in the article above. In retrospect, those patients were actually manifesting iatrogenic mitochondrial diseases. His practice mainly consisted of helping his patients, through brain nutrient therapy, psycho-educational psychotherapy and the gradual reduction or elimination of the psychotropic medications that were sickening them.

About those psychiatric drugs.  This piece highlights the contribution that Dr. Peter Breggin has made to society regarding the dangers of psychiatric drugs.  Quote: “However, in significant measure owing to Dr. Breggin’s work, millions and millions of people are waking up to the fact that the drug companies are engaged in a form of chemical assault against the global population. And, "The medical front men for these companies affect an arrogant pose of certainty about the drugs’ benefits. But the charade is falling apart.”

About those viruses and the anti-virus vaccine business.  This piece examines the lack of protecting the public interest when the government and big pharma become partners in protecting their vaccine interests.   Quote: "You can doubt what the President is saying. You can doubt the Congress, the FBI, the CIA, and the IRS. You can doubt all the mega-corporations. You can doubt Mickey Mouse and the Pope. But when you doubt viruses, you’re committing heresy, because medical science is a super-religion. Its basic tenets are “self-evident.” They must be. They have to be.  Especially when they aren’t."

This item suggests that pharmaceutical drugs could actually be the cause of many of our untreatable illnesses.  Quote: "Mitochondria are tiny components in cells that generate power for the entire cell. In essence, they are a battery for our cells. Now, there is increasing evidence that a rather big range of previously unexplainable diseases and disorders may be caused by mitochondrial damage due to pharmaceutical drugs.  Among these diseases are: schizophrenia, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and chronic fatigue syndrome."  And,  
This is a good summary of how corrupt power hungry governments and crony capitalists work in tandem for their benefit, not ours.  Quote: Regarding the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty negotiated in complete secrecy by Obama crony's and those of the other 11 nations, "...US Senator Jeff Sessions broke the code of silence on what is in the forbidden-to-be-disclosed TPP Treaty. His most pungent revelation concerned “living agreements.” Thus giving new meaning to the term bait-and-switch.  Living agreements are arbitrary changes that can be made to the treaty, by Presidential fiat, without consulting Congress, after the treaty has been ratified.  That’s right. In other words, the treaty is the treaty until it isn’t, until it’s something more, something different, something worse, something that empowers mega-corporations to a greater degree than previously negotiated.  Because those corporations, those Monsantos and Dows and Syngentas, wouldn’t want to miss a trick, wouldn’t want to forego suddenly realizing how they can exert even more dominance, would they?" 

About those flu vaccines.  Be aware that diagnosis of the number of cases of people having the flu is greatly exaggerated.  Quote:“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”  

Another thing associated with dubious scientific endeavors is discussed in this recent study.

And finally there is this.  It is a really, really interesting item that bridges secular science and Biblical content.  Before you blow it off you need to read how the two actually compliment each other.  I am not advocating for the offer at the end of the piece.  I simply encourage you the read and consider what seems to be well documented scientific and Biblically based information presented before you get to it.  It is truly thought provoking....

George Burns

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