Thursday, October 1, 2015

Do Items Like This Disturb You Too? 2

This item should open the eyes of some who have long had them closed.  Quote: "The McGovern-Fraser Commission’s rules, enacted after the 1968 fiasco in Chicago, were designed to open up the Democrat Party’s national nomination conventions to previously “under-represented” groups, i.e., minorities -- especially blacks -- women, and young people.  Those rules succeeded, perhaps beyond their designers’ wildest dreams.  Fast-forward to the 2012 Democrat national nomination convention, and one sees just how the party’s delegates have changed.  Almost 500 of the delegates were from the LGBT movement. Women and minorities -- especially African Americans and Hispanics -- were well-represented.  Public school teachers -- mostly members of the National Education Association or the National Association of Teachers -- were the largest bloc of jobholders.
White working-class men and women were significantly underrepresented."

This movement is all about changing the order of things.  Quote: "LGBT's ongoing fight is not about a minority who didn't get a fair shake; it's about a majority being emasculated.  Don't apologize for your child's gender; embrace it.  Every child is a gift entrusted to parents and society.  Don't squander that gift just to fit in with the cause du jour.  Encourage your children to be the best they can be and protect them – not just from accidents or pedophiles, but from a misguided society.  Don't sacrifice your kids on the heterophobe's altar.  They deserve better.  We all do." 

Many claim that the LBGT community is all about equality, nothing more.  Read this item and you will see that activists in this community "in their own words" admit that is not their agenda.  Rather it is "While there are many layers to unfold, the almost instant explosion in government-sanctioned, anti-Christian extremism on display post Obergefell v. Hodges, confirms the poisonous three-fold agenda that underlies the “social justice” mob’s flowery “marriage equality” propaganda. That is: 1) the ultimate destruction of marriage, 2) forced affirmation of sexual deviancy under penalty of law, and 3) the eventual criminalization of Christianity."    Social science refutes feminists claims that same sex parents families are just as good as traditional male and female families.  This item discusses the matter.   This is indicative of the destructiveness of the whole sexual revolution perpetrated by the progressive/liberal academia, media, government and elitist enablers and Hollywood.

Those thinking about supporting Carly Fiorina need to read this article.

Rich politicians who get richer using their positions to line their pocket really irks me.  Here is just one of a multitude of examples.

It is quite clear from his actions that Obama much prefers Muslim and Illegal aliens to Christians seeking asylum.    Does Obama care Christians are being crucified?  Not!  The only thing you hear from him is that Islam is a peaceful religion and Christians should remember the Crusades (which by the way were launched because Muslims were conquering Christian controlled territories as part of their attempt to conquer the world and wipe out the infidels).  Obama either does not know his history or he purposefully ignores it.

The mostly left leaning mainstream media are in the tank for Democrat politicians.  This item which stars NBC's Chuck Todd as he attempts to cause controversy by trapping  Dr. Ben Carson on a point dealing with Islam. Todd asked him whether or not a Muslim should be elected president of the United States.  Ben said no and gave his reasons.  Quote: "Ben Carson is entitled to that belief, and he is neither insane nor alone in holding it. His position is entirely mainstream. He might not have been politically wise to actually answer the question, but his reasons for doing so are good ones; Ben Carson is an honest and forthright man who gives honest and forthright answers to questions even when they’re not asked by an honest and forthright interviewer. He may want to become less honest and forthright and more protective of his campaign when being interviewed by Democrat operatives like Chuck Todd disguised as journalists, but if he does he will be less interesting as a candidate. The criticism of Carson isn’t hurting him one bit this week, and it shouldn’t — most Republican voters rightfully despise the left-wing media’s attempts to distort the GOP race with gotcha questions and implausible hypotheticals like avowed Muslim presidential candidates." 

Some don't think Christians are being targeted with lethal threats around the world. Sadly they are seriously and I do mean seriously wrong.  This is an overseas example.  Read it and tell me if you still think it is not true.

What I say is let's harken back during Galileo's time.  The Catholic church accepted the then secular scientist's "consensus" and detained Galileo for his heresy.  But, as we all know in that case secular science was wrong and Galileo was right.  The Pope has not learned from history.

This socialist does what socialists do.  Like Obama and the people on the left Bernie Sanders seeks to divide and create crises with lies that cause conflict.  This is destructive and should not be countenanced.  We have already have endured almost seven years of this type of destructive leadership.  We surely do not need more.

The White House appears to have the position that we should ignore pedophilia of our Afghan partners.  That's standing up for what's right???  Morality is morality.  It is not what the grand scheme of moral relativism says that it depends on what different people think...who has the right to challenge their morality?   Do you really think the president supports causes that protect the life of the unborn and born babies AND the welfare of boys being abused by adults?  NOT!!!  Once again morality is not relative.

Obama meant it when he promised to fundamentally change our country.   He claims citizens are un-American if they oppose his immigration policies.  As is his dictatorial style he will impose his will on us -  in other words he will do what he wants and we will just have to suck it up.  And as usual our elected representatives will forsake their constituents and let him get away with it.  This is what we have to look forward to.  Europe is unraveling as a consequence of its long standing far too generous immigration policies to people who do not want to assimilate in the countries generous enough to take them in.  They, instead, want to change the country to their liking and suck off the taxpayer's largess. Something will eventually have to give.  Sound familiar?   Obama will be long gone when the totality of his disaster befalls us and we will be left either try to fix the mess or suffer the full brunt of the consequences.
Don't believe me?  Check out these hard numbers.  The article gives the subject fair treatment.  Based on my own research the treatment is "too" fair.

If you don't think Muslims intend to impose their will on American citizens then you are sadly wrong.  Other instances have been documented to prove the point but here is one that should open your eyes.  After all Obama is trying to bring in as many Muslims into this country as possible.  Bad things will follow.  Just consider the troubles in Europe.  Presumably these are moderate Muslims.  Quote: "We feel alienated from the Board of Education, we feel alienated from this system,” Omar Abouelkhair told WNBC-TV.  “We’re going to be the majority soon,” warned another."  They came to our country to improve their lot but want to make it like the one they left behind.

This is at least one Executive Order Obama has signed that could be labeled at a minimum as both unethical and dictatorial.  He wants to use taxpayer money to fund government studies on how to propagandize the public into doing what the government wants us to do.  In other words, like past tyrants, he wants the people to pay for their own destruction. 

This item suggests, with a degree of credence, that President Obama and many in Congress may have committed treason.  Read this to gain insight into the claim.

Quote: "We don’t need more “free” stuff in America; we need more opportunity! We also need to start putting the interests of the people who work hard, play by the rules and pay their taxes ahead of illegal aliens, refugees and the people who want something for “free.” As the late, great Robert Heinlein said, “There's no such thing as a free lunch.” When someone starts promising you one, smart people put their hands over their wallets and start looking for the catch."

This is an opinion piece by a black commentator and is well worth reading.  Quote: "An outgrowth of the left's despicable gospel of victim-hood-ism is its equally despicable Black Lives Matter movement, which is based on the lie that cops routinely murder young black men.  The left's calculated impugning of police has led to police across America ambushed and assassinated.  Upon completing this article, I turned on the TV, hearing breaking news.  As the result of a black radical group's clarion call to kill cops, Texas deputy Darren Goforth was assassinated, shot from behind execution-style while fueling his patrol car, by a black man.  When Goforth fell to the ground, his assassin stood over him, shooting multiple times.  Deputy Goforth leaves behind a wife and two kids."  htp://

This is a marker pointing clearly to the promiscuous exploitations so dominant in our society.  Quote: "In other words, according to this “study,” if you’ve never had sex with someone outside your race, you’re probably racist, even if you’re a devout Christian who’s happily married and never slept around.  “While society is generally pretty comfortable condemning racism, there has been a surprising reluctance among people — gay or otherwise — to challenge racialized sex and dating practices."     htttp:// 

George Burns

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