Saturday, October 10, 2015

Climate Science

This should give one pause.  Quote: David Dilley, a former NOAA meteorologist and the current senior research scientist at Global Weather Oscillations   "...predicts there will be years in which the mouth of Chesapeake Bay is frozen over and the "Great Lakes are ice-clogged."  There will be "disruptions to commerce and the food supply," he said. "This is coming."  His forecasts are based on his research, peer-reviewed articles and evidence that the average temperatures on earth periodically have gone up and down in cycles that encompass hundreds or thousands of years.  He points out that temperature peaks always are followed by peaks in carbon dioxide levels, which would refute the modern global-warming theorists who insist that mankind's production of carbon dioxide is causing global warming."   Does this sound like the global warming crisis that President Obama and the Pope (neither of which are qualified to say squat on the subject) are hyping and want to spend more trillions on "fixing"? 

More about climate change.  Quote: "Climate change has been “real” throughout Earth and human history – periodically significant, sometimes sudden, sometimes destructive, driven by the sun and other powerful, complex, interacting natural forces that we still do not fully understand … and certainly cannot control. It has little or nothing to do with the carbon dioxide that makes plants grow faster and better, and is emitted as a result of using fossil fuels that have brought countless wondrous improvements to our environment and human condition."

This reflects poorly on scientists wedded to their global warming positions.  If they can't win the argument with solid falsifiable science they resort to government enforcement of their speculations by punishing those who disagree with them.  Disagreement with global warming positions are not emotional but rest on scientific evidence that counters warming theories. Quote: "The science on global warming is settled, so settled that 20 climate scientists are asking President Barack Obama to prosecute people who disagree with them on the science behind man-made global warming.  Scientists from several universities and research centers even asked Obama to use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) to prosecute groups that “have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change.”  What law covers honest disagreement?  That is their claim but equally qualified scientists disagree.  To take this step, to me anyway, suggests they are less than certain of their position but want to eliminate from competition those with honestly and legitimately held differences.  And their accusation that those with differing positions are deceiving the public is at best self righteous and at worse dead wrong.  It is they, in reality, who have repeatedly promised doom which has not occurred.  Consequently, the history of their movement suggests it is much more likely they are the deceivers they claim others to be. It has been said many times, science is not about consensus.  It is about verifiable facts - nothing in science is ever "settled".  Their request of the president is a sad commentary on their commitment to honest and verifiable scientific endeavors.

Continuing the theme of the previous item.  We need to ask ourselves if this I really about science, special interest politics, getting one's way regardless of facts, serving the public interest?  Irrational and vindictive behavior is certainly not the way to deal with a subject warranting serious debate.  This item is one man's view that seeks to apply common sense which is clearly totally absent in far too many minds.

One thing is for certain.  Failing to fulfill predictions of global warming has not caused more predictions to come forth.  Past performance is usually a good predictor of future performance.  It does not look good for them.    It seems like it is time to pursue this objective.

Politicians and government bureaucrats pursue their objectives by using misguided or false science to do so.  Quote: "The EPA’s proposed new regulations to reduce anthropogenic methane emissions into the atmosphere will raise greatly the cost of oil and gas production.  Perhaps that is the real purpose of the EPA regs.  But since the climate effects of methane are insignificant, EPA regs lack a science base and may simply be part of a scheme to phase out all fossil fuels, including natural gas."   More on this subject.  

Applying common sense is what is needed in the absence of hard scientific proof the EPA and other ill advised advocates are unable to supply to deal with nature's naturally recurring climate changes.  They speculate and produce models that repeatedly fail but still act on those provably faulty results for their irrational, costly and ultimately disastrous policies.  Self righteous arrogance is no substitute for proof. 

The EPA and its so called Ozone studies.  This MD takes aim at their efforts and finds them wanting.  With a record like this what could go wrong?  Quote: "A puzzling observation is that even as the EPA air quality standards have achieved a 63-percent reduction in major air pollutants between 1980 and 2014, asthma rates have continued to rise in the U.S.  Between 1980 and 2010, asthma incidence in the population is reported to have gone from 3.1 percent to 8.4 percent."   This item adds context to the idiocy of this EPA bureaucratic nonsense.

This should convince everyone that the EPA is a totally incompetent federal bureaucracy.  It should either be eliminated or significantly downsized and have it mission seriously refocused.   In addition to the multiple economic and environment damage they have already inflicted on the nation at huge cost to tax payers they have now caused another toxic spill in Colorado.  
Quote: "The meaning of “climate change” now includes so many disparate matters that the phrase is virtually meaningless. Stretching the phrase to include pollution is factually incorrect and grossly misleading to the public. As the evidence for unprecedented warming temperatures, extreme weather events, declining arctic ice, and rising sea levels wanes, the entrenched warmists’ grasp for familiar tags such as “pollution” or “environmental protection” to sanitize their grand schemes to decarbonize human societies. Consideration of the fundamental physical realities about energy and the environmental benefits of fossil fuels, which enrich human well-being across the world, are dangerously absent from the public square. "

This is not fantasy.  Over the past several years I have read several credible accounts similar to this one regarding the causes of the draught problems California faces on a recurring basis.  It is not global warming.

I have never liked Al Gore but now I like him even less.  He is leading the charge to propagandize as many people (especially children) to his religion of climate change.  All the while he further fills his bank account with the carbon money he makes while jetting around the world producing more carbon in one jaunt than we do in a year or more.  The hypocrisy is stunning.

West Virginia (and other coal producing states and consumers of coal fired energy) thanks you Mr. Obama and kudos, too, for your EPA.  The 400,000 people in the state look forward to the expected increase costs of 20% in their energy bills, not to mention the loss of jobs and associated retirement and health care benefits.   It would be appreciated even more if it really made a difference...but, alas, independent estimates suggest little to no benefit will result.  Consider the damage done to affected families and coal energy consumers. Quote: "Cecil E. Roberts, United Mine Workers of America president, estimated a loss of 152,000 coal mining, power plant and railroad jobs by 2035."  Couple that with Obama's influx of thousands of illegals and refugees who will be largely unskilled and dependent on tax payer subsidies and tell me the policy is intellectually, ethically and morally sound for the people of the nation he leads and who will be required to fund through their taxes the livelihood of these jobless hoards. 

This is not about climate science but about those who are promoting it.  After reading this piece those who are part of the global warming clique should hang their head in shame that these people seek to have the government accept their position without question and arrest, imprison or kill anyone who has legitimate differences.  To me, that speaks to their desperation to have their way, not to their scientific competence.

This item, too, is not about climate change but extends the previous discussion. 

This too is not about the science but about the people who populate the elite in the global warming/climate change culture.

Now, one last item regarding Climate Change.  Please folks I beg you to do your part however little it may be to stop the inane madness and the tragic consequences this piece portrays.

George Burns

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