Thursday, October 1, 2015

Do Items Like This Disturb You Too? 3

By now everyone knows about the EPA polluted the Animas River in Colorado with over 3 million gallons of heavy-metal laden waste water.  Remember the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?  Obama was mad as a hornet and went hard after the culprits.  This spill belongs to him but his mouth is glued shut.  Get this.  A geologists predicted there would be a spill just one week prior...uhmm!  Quote: "The simple fact of the matter is because the Obama administration was implicated in this they’re going to remain silent.
The EPA will not face any punishment for their inadequacies, not like a private company would. And as Taylor the geologist wrote they’re now getting exactly what they wanted out of the whole deal.  Obama should be bending over backwards to fix the situation and yet he does nothing.  But when BPs spill took place he was all over the news denouncing their actions.  Double-Standard much?"  I don't know but there are claims that it was done on purpose.  Here's what the geologist said one week prior: "In a letter to the editor at the Silverton Standard and The Miner the retired Geologist wrote this would happen to prevent local mining to which the Obama administration is firmly against.    The double standard of big government and its destructive bureaucracies is palpable.  The EPA is a disaster.

This is another opinion piece that speaks to the enormous challenges facing our nation.  It is a call for all who love our country to get involved in ridding us of the gross corruption that is destroying us and work to replace it with one that respects all citizens equally and the rights granted us by the Constitution.   Quote: "We are now more than six years into the utter destruction of America being perpetrated by the Obama administration and abetted by his Radical Marxist/Islamist appointees in our Executive Branch. Much damage was inflicted during Obama's first term, but the dark and tragic 2012 election when 51% of voters granted him a second term (the legitimacy of his " Presidency " is, for several reasons, highly suspect at best ) has resulted in literally a " reign of terror " during which our nation is rapidly being torn asunder.   Unless you are among those foolish Americans paying little or no attention to these cataclysmic events, you are woefully aware of how close we are as a nation in 2015, to political conditions that existed 1860 and in 1774."

Here is a very, very interesting analysis of Hillary's campaign tactic of spreading malicious lies by falsely associating Republicans to terrorists while she and Bill have been close associates with the Muslim Brotherhood for many, many years.  And I completely agree with his last sentence which reads "Why hasn’t anyone among the GOP leadership brought this damning evidence to light considering Ms. Clinton’s rash comments? Well, that has to do with a certain aversion people have to self-incrimination. Many Republican power players are, shall we say, in a somewhat compromised position when it comes to Islamist front groups, so they’re a bit reluctant to break open that wholesale outlet-sized can of worms."  

How can anyone say Islam is a peaceful religion?  According to this piece it is not just the radicals we have to worry about.  Quote: "People, please understand this. Enough followers of Islam are fine with some aspects of Islamic terrorism that Islamic “extremism” could (and should) really be better understood as a “mainstream” position. That is reality."

This item examines the rank hypocrisy of the political left. Quote: "If enough attention were called to these types of things and a sufficient number of blacks began to realize that liberals have been using them for their votes, we might see a sea change in American politics.  For now, we must just marvel at liberals' cynicism, double standards and hypocrisy.  But one of these days, their conflicting "values" are going to come home to roost."

Would you vote for this man who is actually the Democratic Mayor of New Orleans?  Quote: "After being held in contempt of court by Civil District Judge Kern Reese for failing to devise a plan to pay New Orleans firefighters $142 million in backpay that they have been owed since the 1990’s, Landrieu is now claiming the entire case is a “judicial coup.”  Landrieu, whose administration is appealing the ruling, says that Reese violated the principle of separation of powers when he enforced a former ruling by Judge Michael Bagneris, which mandated that Landrieu pay the firefighters."

Does he ever have it right. I mean he is right on. Quote: "There is a very simple explanation as to why the country seems to be experiencing the gun violence of recent years. It basically comes down to one simple explanation, Liberals. Though I’m sure they’ll take exception to that, the reality is that we live in a society that has lost all sense of morality over the last sixty-odd years, leading to a societal breakdown. Brought to us by liberal politicians, liberal educators, and liberals in the entertainment industry."     

George Burns

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