Saturday, October 31, 2015

History 1

This continues my efforts to share history that does not get the attention it deserves.  It usually runs counter to the prevailing left leaning historical accounts that dominate the nation's libraries, publishing houses, public schools and universities, historians, politicians and the public at large.  I know most of you cannot take the time to read this whole piece in one sitting.  But I do encourage you to read bits and pieces when time permits.  You will learn historical facts and not what left leaning revisionists historians want you to think is history.  They want you to believe what they want you to believe about both the good and bad that is history.  Some actual history is changed/altered ever so slightly, sometimes vital history is omitted, sometimes it is what the author wants you to think and other times history is totally rewritten.  The tragedy of this fact is what Aldous Huxley said many years ago:  "That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history."  That is because as Napoleon Bonaparte noted "History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."  I would modify the quote to read "...that some people have decided upon...".  That is what has been happening for many years to history as written by progressive historians.  I urge you to check out any items you may think are incorrect.  Be aware, though, that revised history is not true history.  That means you need to check the actual historical record versus the words of revisionist historians. 

A succinct but powerful assessment of the debasement of history being perpetrated by progressives.  Quote: "There are lots of strange paradoxes in the current frenzied liberal dissection of past sins.  One, a historic figure must be near perfect in all dimensions of his or her complex life to now pass progressive muster. That Jefferson is responsible for helping to establish many of the cherished human rights now enshrined in American life apparently cannot offset the transgression of having owned slaves.  Two, today's moral standards are always considered superior to those of the past. Ethical sense supposedly always improves with time...Three, the sins of the past were hardly all committed by racist, sexist, conservative white men."

This is the best succinct discussion of the true history of Islam I have read.  Progressive revisionist history has so distorted this history that very few know it. If anyone does not believe this is real history they need to avoid researching progressive revisionists history sources as cautioned in the article.  Quote: "One of the primary reasons Islamic and Western nations are “worlds apart” is because the way they understand the world is worlds apart. Whereas Muslims see the world through the lens of history, the West has jettisoned or rewritten history to suit its ideologies.  This dichotomy of Muslim and Western thinking is evident everywhere. When the Islamic State declared that it will “conquer Rome” and “break its crosses,” few in the West realized that those are the verbatim words and goals of Islam’s founder and his companions as recorded in Muslim sources—words and goals that prompted over a thousand years of jihad on Europe."   More detail here:   The 1000 plus years war Islam conducted against European nations ultimately resulted in the launching of the Christian Crusades has resumed - the tactics are different this time but the desired results are the same.  Progressives and Obama are aiding and abetting the resumption of this Muslim jihad  against the western world.  Europe is in the front end of this Jihad and things are not going well for them directly because they have followed the progressive mode of accommodating a hoard of Muslim immigrants and now middle eastern Muslim refugees bent on taking over sometime in the future..  In time the problems Europe now face will migrate here.  Obama is speeding things along.

The contributions of George Washington to this nation are largely and regrettably ignored in today's history books, by the public at large, academics and the majority of politicians of all stripes.

How about taking a look at our third president, Thomas Jefferson?  He, too, gets short shrift by current day leaders, academics, politicians and Americans of all stripes.  Wisdom like this is sorely missed.   Here is another item that clarifies at least two of the inaccurate accounts of Jefferson as interpreted by latter day progressives and their revisionist history.

Born 225 years ago Tocqueville foresaw what would some day likely happen to the America he so admired.  He was truly prescient.  Quote: "Tocqueville foresaw an “immense tutelary power”—the modern state—which would degrade men rather than destroy their bodies. Over time, he feared, the state would take away citizens’ free will, their capacity to think and act, reducing them to “a herd of timid and industrious animals of which the government is the shepherd.” Are contemporary China and Russia substantially different?"

What was Lincoln's purpose in engaging in the Civil War?  What the modern progressive historians say is not the reason. It does not fit the leftist narrative and has a firm hold in modern day history accounts.  Lincoln's purpose for those who think they know will possibly shock them.  Quote:  In a letter to Horace Greely in 1862, he wrote: "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it is not either to save or destroy slavery.  If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save the Union by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

The government does not have the right or Constitutional authority to do this but FDR did it anyway.  It was a rip off by the government to cover itself, its interests.  Despite claims it was for the good of the country the opposite turned out to be true.  The government needed the money for what it wanted to do. 

This bit of history is instructive for those who wish to understand Russia during the reign of terror imposed by the communists.  The article is about Robert Conquest, historian extraordinaire.  He was born in Russia, reared a communist but later rejected it and sought its destruction. Quote:  "Conquest lived to see a current U.S. presidential candidate, a senator, who had chosen, surely as an ideological gesture, to spend his honeymoon in the Soviet Union in 1988. Gulags still functioned, probably including some of the “cold Auschwitzes” in Siberia, described in Conquest’s “Kolyma.” The honeymooner did not mind that in 1988 political prisoners were — as may still be the case — being tortured in psychiatric “hospitals.” Thanks to the unblinking honesty of people like Conquest, the Soviet Union now is such a receding memory that Bernie Sanders’ moral obtuseness — the obverse of Conquest’s character — is considered an amusing eccentricity."  Think about it!  Bernie Sanders is now drawing huge crowds within progressive/ liberal/Democrat ranks.  That should tell you all you need to know about the current state of the political philosophy of a huge number of progressive/liberal/Democrat adherents, including our president, Democratic candidates Clinton and Sanders among others not in the race.  By the way plenty of Republicans are progressives, too.  That Republican characteristic goes all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt. 

This is an interesting piece that covers dialogue about where our "rights" come from.  It takes place between the president of the Alabama State Supreme Court and CNN news anchor Chris Cuomo.  The dialogue is followed by a series of items recounting what the founders used and considered as they constructed the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. 

When this award winning researcher got an award in Australia the mostly leftist audience was stunned to silence.  His research and writing provides detail accounts of the damage communists and unions did during World War II in Australia by subverting delivery of equipment and supplies to allied forces fighting the war against Japan.  Quote: "My speech, briefly outlining a few of the instances strikes, go-slows, and sabotage that had undermined Australia’s war effort – with the gruesomely appropriate figure of 6 million days directly lost through strikes – was heard in silence."  And, "It also made the point that the left-leaning history industry has largely glossed over the whole question of wartime strikes, sabotage, and go-slows."  And here:  "The award was a triumph for Quadrant’s new conservative publishing house. The Quadrant magazine was founded in 1956, partly in response to the Soviet Union crushing Hungary. The magazine has flown the flag of intellectual conservatism, often against daunting odds, for 58 years. We got out the champagne. The leftie luvvies did not join us."

This is an exceptional piece on the Constitution.  Recommend everyone read it...well worth the insights you will gain.

It is disingenuous to shield the truth from the public for political reasons.  This item is a case in point regarding the nuclear bombing of Japan at the end of WWII.   Quote: "To the victors go the spoils, and the American victors were the ones running the war crimes tribunals and thus also determined the content of my history text books.  <<America’s Leaders Knew that Japan was Searching for ways to Honorably Surrender Months before Hiroshima>>>  American intelligence agencies, with the full knowledge of President Roosevelt’s and President Truman’s administrations, were fully aware of Japan’s search for ways to honorably surrender months before Truman gave the fateful order to incinerate Hiroshima."  And, "It might already be too late to rescue and resuscitate the (mythical?) moribund humanitarian, peacemaking America that we used to know and love. It might be too late to effectively confront the corporate hijacking of liberal democracy in America. It might be too late to successfully bring down the arrogant and greedy ruling elites who are selfishly dragging our planet down the road to destruction. The rolling coups d’etat orchestrated by the  profiteers of what I call Friendly American Fascism may have already accomplished its goals."

George Burns

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