Monday, April 29, 2013

The Benghazi Tragedy Continues To Unfold

As the Benghazi facts continue to unfold, it looks more and more like there is another cover up underway.  Congress continues to push for information and it appears that perjury has been committed by some some officials who have given testimony.  Perhaps we will eventually get to the truth but government stonewalling continues in this case as it has in so many others.  While the author notes that "This is a tragic failure of foreign policy and diplomacy under Obama’s watch," I believe it is just another example of our government, regardless of who is president, meddling in foreign affairs with the inevitable result being what happened in Bengazi.  The trail of tears resulting from our overseas misadventures reaches back well over 100 years.  Why is it that we think we can solve other peoples problems when we cannot even take care of our own?   George Burns

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