Sunday, April 7, 2013

Moral Relativism

I've mentioned moral relativism a number of times in past notes.  Let's take a closer look at what the term means and why many believe it is a harmful infection rotting our nation from the inside out. 
As defined by the on-line Free Dictionary moral relativism is: "The philosophized notion that right and wrong are not absolute values, but are personalized according to the individual and his or her circumstances or cultural orientation. It can be used positively to effect change in the law (e.g., promoting tolerance for other customs or lifestyles) or negatively as a means to attempt justification for wrongdoing or lawbreaking."

The Dictionary also tells us that its opposite is "moral absolutism, which espouses a fundamental, Natural Law of constant values and rules, and which judges all persons equally, irrespective of individual circumstances or cultural differences."

Of the two, which is likely to prove most beneficial in the long run?  The answer should be easy.  An endless sliding scale of rules/standards to live by has little chance at succeeding over time because it is unstable, ever changeable.  On the other hand a fixed set of rules/standards provides stability and a sense of security in knowing what the rules/standards are.  But, in today's America the former in large measure trumps the latter.  Check out the definition of Natural Law too.  It was one of the guiding principles for our nation's founders as they set us on our course as a Constitutional Republic. 

For a long time our nation enjoyed a relatively stable understanding of the principles embodied in our Constitution.  Yes, throughout our history wrongs have been committed.  That does not mean we were without a set of core principles to help us correct course.  Any entity no matter how large or small  is filled with imperfect humans prone to error or worse. But having a set of well understood stable rules/standards provides a means by which to right the ship.  That, it seems to me, is where we have gone astray.  We lost our bearings and shifted from a stable baseline to one that is unstable,  even unpredictable.  Extant cultural decay and societal discord is the resultant consequence. 

As Bradlee Dean notes in the linked article, when we the people of this nation "...are no longer rooted in the same principles, corruption seeps in and begins to divide and conquer through outlets such as media, public schools and colleges."  He adds "In essence, the unprincipled in America are at war with God and His Law, which commanded we should not kill, commit adultery, steal, lie or covet.  They seem to forget that 'Wherever law ends, tyranny begins'...and tyranny is what you are dealing with today, because most people do not know their history."  To bolster his point he cites a study by University of Houston political science professors searching for the historical sources that informed the founders.  Over a 10 year period they studied 15,000 writings available to the founders and isolated 3,154 direct quotes from a number of sources.  The most, 34 percent, came directly from the Christian Bible with many more Biblical quotes found in other sources available to the founders.  It is those Biblically based principles that embody our Constitution. See this link for details:

Reinforcing previous comments, Dr. Tom Barron offers this observation:  "Moral Relativism is the precarious philosophical position that moral judgments are different across different people and different cultures.  The terms 'good' and 'bad,' 'right' and 'wrong' do not stand subject to universal truth conditions, rather they are relative to the traditions, practices and views of the group or society in which they are constructed."  On the heels of that observation, Barron adds:  "Consistent with the utopian, radical egalitarian core of their belief system, liberal/progressives believe that no group or society is better than any other, and that the different moral views held by others cannot be judged as superior or inferior, or right or wrong.  Furthermore, they believe that one must tolerate the behavior of others even when one disagrees about the morality of that behavior."  To drive home the point Barron quotes Larrey Anderson: "A standard of standard-less behavior...Where society agrees to a social contract to have no social contract...fostering a cult of tolerance, where those who enter avoid the difficult process of making an actual (moral) choice and get to feel good about it...where political correctness enforces this 'approved' way of thinking, contradicting the very concept of tolerance that they elevate."

This, folks, is the current state of our culture, our nation. And, indications are that things are getting worse.  We are not evolving to a better state/higher plane of human development as liberal/progressives would like to have us believe.  We are increasingly degenerating to a state of disarray/chaos. Liberal/progressives have in fact turned upside down our traditional cultural norms and the very meaning of the word "tolerance".  We are becoming a culture/nation without any of the principles upon which our once great nation was founded.   

The links that follow offer just a few examples of the decay we are now experiencing:
(1)  Hollywood productions have long played a role in our decline.  This link demonstrates their celebration of the debasement of morality.  In this case 
(2)  It wasn't too long ago that most of our society deemed homosexual activity as unhealthy/immoral.  But, moral relativism says it is okay, even to be celebrated. Why not add incest to the growing list of newly found acceptable behavior?  A slippery slope, no?
(3)  Given their demonstrated behavior and policies they espouse, here is a depiction of what a progressive ten commandments might look like.
(4)  Here is but one example of the intolerant behavior in an ever increasingly intolerant academic environment in public schools, colleges and universities.  While in this case the school has issued an apology it is lame at best because they first supported the professor and expelled the student.  Its reversal was only forthcoming following a huge public outcry.
(5)  This example demonstrates how low the morality of the extreme liberal/progressive organization Planned Parenthood has sunk.  Not only does it promote the killing of unborn babies under the guise of a woman's right to choose, it even supports killing babies after they are born.  This is, according to them, also a case in which the woman's so called right to choose prevails.  Not to mention that the dastardly deed is at least partially supported by taxayers whether we agree or not.  More importantly, to them the rights of a living breathing infant do not count.  Murder of babies (or put another way euthanasia) to them is okay.  And I thought murder was a crime all of society agreed to.  See the slippery slope? 
(6)  Last but not least we return to the view of our founders.  To affirm the unbelievable turn-around the liberal/progressive moral relativism crowd has been able to engineer please read this link. The article begins "Soldiers in the U.S. military have been told in a training briefing that evangelical Christians are the No. 1 extremist threat to America – ahead of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, KKK, Nation of Islam, al-Qaida, Hamas and others."  This example, one of many, reflects the evil consequences of adherents of moral relativism and resultant liberal/progressive policies.  What once was up is now down.  What once was wrong is now right.  What once underpinned the very foundation of our nation is now the problem.  How, please tell me, is this even remotely possible?
There's more but I think the point is made.  Please, folks, help turn this disaster around.  Let's all make a concerted effort to return to our Judeo/Christian roots. The founders had it right.  Modern day moral relativists have it all wrong.  It is, therefore, up to each of us to do our part in beating back the horrible travesty they are literally forcing upon us all.
George Burns

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