Sunday, April 21, 2013

Liberal Race Lies

It has long puzzled me how the liberal/progressives get away with passing off themselves and their brand of governing as especially beneficial to minorities.  Their rhetoric about how much they care and the government programs they offer up courtesy of the tax paying public has worked well.  Their success is evidenced by the repeated support blacks give them during election seasons.  Is this deserved support?  Lets consider a few facts.
1.  Here is just one example of grossly rewritten history liberal/progressives sell as fact to the masses, especially to blacks all across America.  Their goal?  This, according to the author (a black American), is so they can keep blacks on the Democrat side of the political ledger no matter what.  The truth be damned.
2.  The next item considers Deneen Borelli's book Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation.  In the book Borelli tells her story and the abuse she has endured from fellow blacks and the political left because she is an accomplished black woman who happens to be conservative.  Some of you will not believe the nature of the abuse and those involved.  The fact is that the racist underbelly of the leftist progressive movement is a well established historical fact reaching as far back as President Wilson.  For those who doubt, check the unadulterated history.  You can start with the link in Paragraph 3.
4.  In this item Mona Charen highlights some of the observations Thomas Sowell, an esteemed black American, makes in his latest book, Intellectuals and Race.  It should be noted that a large majority of today's self-proclaimed crop of high minded intellectuals reside in America's colleges and universities and are decidedly on the liberal/progressive side of the ledger. 
5.  The author of this piece highlights the misplaced priorities of our president and his lack of  honesty when dealing with race even when it happens to be about the plight of blacks.   
6.  To close out this brief excursion here are a few examples of racist remarks made knowingly or not by liberal/progressives themselves - in their own words.
To be sure racist attitudes transcend individuals on both the left and right of the political spectrum.  Racism is in fact an equal opportunity sin that resides inside flawed individuals of all races.  But the inconvenient truth is that the liberal/progressive narrative that they are and have always been staunch supporters of racial equality/rights is a big bold lie.  It is past time to rebut this false narrative and expose it for the lie it is. 
Suggested reading includes Star Parker's book, Uncle Sam's Plantation.  Parker, by the way, is another great American black woman who happens to be a conservative.  In a 2009 article regarding negative impacts government programs have had on black Americans she highlights such programs as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Emergency Assistance to Needy Families with Children (EANF), Section 8 Housing, and Food Stamps.  She writes that a whole host of these "...well intentioned government programs, all initially set into motion in the 1960's, ...were going to lift the nation's poor out of poverty.  A benevolent Uncle Sam welcomed mostly poor black Americans onto the government plantation.  Those who accepted the invitation switched mindsets from 'How do I take Care of Myself?' to 'What do I have to do to stay on the plantation?' Instead of solving economic problems, government welfare socialism created monstrous moral and spiritual problems.  The kind of problems that are inevitable when individuals turn responsibility for their lives over to others."  Here is the link to her article:
Since the 1960s blacks have been increasingly trapped in perpetual poverty and conditioned to expect government handouts, even consider receiving them to be their right, all the while fully aware that it is the liberal/progressive democrats who keep the goodies flowing.  That is, in part, how liberal/progressives shamelessly keep low information blacks under their control.  And, for political reasons, conservatives have been trapped into going along.  Shame, shame, shame!!!
George Burns

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